One story that should have been in the other blog entry was this: AAFES was the organization that was the marketing arm of the US military bases and of course it had facilities at USAF High Wycombe. In High Wycombe was also RAF High Wycombe, where it also had a marketing arm for its military known as NAAFI. Okay, bear with me; on the British base there was a sort of Pub for the military Brits to gather and it was called 'The NAAFI'. One day I was in a group of Brits and I was the only Yank there. I cannot remember why or how I was in this situation, anyway, one uniformed young woman in the group was going on and on about how Yanks were all mouth and all money. I was in civilian clothes and she didn't know I was American. One of her 'mates' gave her a nudge and whispered in her ear. I assumed she was being enlightened about my nationality. She was so embarrassed, she ran off and never came back to the group.
Next stop, Turkey...