Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

  Mothers are the greatest driving force in the world.  They are the ones that have the greatest influence on shaping minds and fostering hearts and souls.  However, I like to think that Fathers run a close second!
  Yesterday was Father's Day, and I was fortunate and happy to receive calls from all six of my children.  It was great to have chats with them.  They are all far away and are always missed.  Of course the topic in Church on Father's Day was fathers, both heavenly and earthly and I couldn't help but choke up a bit, listening to the speakers talk about their dads.  It brought back a lot of memories of my kids as they were growing up.  Even more so, with a baby looking at me over the shoulder of her mom sitting in front of me.  When at the distant end, it seemed like their childhood years would go on for a long time, but looking back from this end, it went by very quickly.

My Kiddos

  I had the privilege to watch the birth of all my children, and no matter what your beliefs are, you cannot help but find birth a miraculous event.  I am sure someone must have said to me "don't take your eyes off them, because they grow up very fast", and they really do.  In retrospect, I wish, like many others have I am sure, that I wasn't so busy.  With age comes wisdom and we come to these conclusions so we can say "don't take your eyes off them, because they grow up very fast".

  Often, I think about my own father and, as I have mentioned before, wish I knew him better and that we had more time to spend together.  We treasure the moments we have given us and remember the quality of the time and not the quantity.
  It is great being a dad and the promotion that goes with it of being a grandfather.  Of my six kids, five of them are boys and three of them are dads.  I hope they will all feel the joys of Fatherhood as I have.

When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry. - William Shakespeare

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