Saturday, October 4, 2014

Fortunate Son - Part 2

  My activities include the necessity of an early morning drive into the city on Sundays.  Although I am not a fan of city life with all of it's hustle and bustle, at this particular time, it is a pleasant experience.  The way the streets are quiet and deserted, it is almost apocalyptic.
  During the drive, I have a classical music station tuned in on the radio.  While driving, I have the sensation of being in a movie scene with a soundtrack.  My kids use to refer to that choice of music as 'the Sunday station'.
  In the winter, sometimes there is a fresh layer of snow on the streets that has not yet been driven on which lends to the isolation and solitude even more.  The 25 traffic lights that I encounter during my drive are still vigilant with their red and green commands.  It is almost ludicrous when there is no one driving save myself.
  Even though I make this drive many times, there is always something to see that I have not noticed before.  This may occur while studying the buildings as they go by or it may be in the street or on the sidewalks.
  Eventually, I reach my destination, pull into the empty parking lot, and return to reality, but rejuvenated by the opportunity of awareness that was afforded me.

The best thinking has been done in solitude. The worst has been done in turmoil. - Thomas A. Edison

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