Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Literary Corner

Image result for old book   Unlike my sister and my wife, I am not an avid reader.  When I do read, it is usually of a technical nature but that doesn't really count, does it?  When I was in the eighth grade, I was reading David Copperfield which, I thought at the time, was an enormous novel (over 900 pages) and wondered if I would ever finish it.  Somehow I did and since then, on those rare occasions when I do read a novel, Charles Dickens is sometimes a choice. 
  Those that know me know that I enjoy watching TV which also includes movies.  My taste in movies is quite broad and includes classics and period films.  The last one I saw was Tolstoy's War And Peace which is probably not a book I would read as it contains 1225 pages, but you never know.  I am told the movie follows the book fairly closely.  It was a 1956 production with Audrey Hepburn, Henry Fonda, and Mel Ferrar and runs for over three and a half hours.  It elaborated on Napoleon and his attempted invasion of Russia which did not go exactly as planned.
  Once I was really brave and proceeded to read Homer's Odyssey.  After getting part way through it, I gave up because I have a linear brain and the book isn't written chronologically.  I had a difficult time trying to follow it, but I gave it a shot.  Now Winnie-The-Pooh on the other hand.........

If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write something worth reading or do things worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

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